How You Can Grow Your Business After Pandemic?

This article aims to help people with Marketing ideas and strategies, demonstrating in practice how RD Station is adjusting. Learn about the main adaptation actions that we are doing within our acquisition and demand generation machine.

The pandemic changed the way of living. Schools, family dynamics at home, the distribution of time in our day to day, the way of working and the way of doing business. Change has never been so necessary, so your company should not be left behind. Although it has been difficult to face the economic ups and downs, it is time to analyze the environment and find those opportunities that can make your business grow, even in times of pandemic.


In India, during the quarantine, e-commerce has increased up to 500%, completely changing the way of selling. In fact, according to research, 44% of Indian have increased their expenses during the pandemic, mainly in the acquisition of products at high prices or in items that they did not use to buy, such as antibacterial gel and face masks. In addition, of course, to purchases related to food, both delivery and supermarket services 

Digital advertising

Regarding the relationship with brand advertising, in a survey conducted with internet users during the pandemic, it was found that 70% of people follow a brand on networks and, instead of finding the advertising annoying, they appreciate it. Among the main factors for a person to get involved with a brand are:

  • Communicate promotions and news
  • Share information of interest
  • Offer comments from other users
  • Communicate and resolve doubts
  • Entertainment and education go hand in hand with sales

    There are two categories that have grown significantly during this pandemic: entertainment and education. You may think that it is not directly related to your brand; However, there are ways to meet these demands regardless of the line of business: quality content through Inbound Marketing.

    Who better than you, the expert, to share relevant information with your audience? You can take advantage of your blog or your social networks to share entertaining and educational content with your followers. Remember that both categories work in different stages of attracting and consolidating your customers.


    All companies are different, both in products, services and concepts and, although a large part of the growth in the use of applications is related to entertainment and videos, it is important to mention that banking transactions, payment of services and Home deliveries have also shown a significant increase.

    It is important that, within your new habits, applications are more than present, whether to sell your products , offer a service or share the advertising of your site.

    Versatility in payments and transactions

    With the growing trend of online shopping, paying in cash has become an increasingly less viable option, so versatility in payments and transactions is a key point for attracting and retaining consumers. Expansión mentions that, “according to the Mexican Association for Online Sales (AMVO) regarding how they bought during the last Hot Sale, for 80% of Internet users, the existence of more variety of payments is a decisive factor in the purchase ; 27% decide to abandon if there is no preferred payment method ”.

    Payment alternatives, a necessity in the face of the crisis

    It is pertinent to say that the card charge is not the only solution, nowadays there are bank transfers, prepaid cardsComputer Technology Articles, and grocery vouchers are options like.

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